Illustrator Kristin Vestgård

I love the etheral quality of Kristin’s illustrations.  The soft, muted colors she uses make her illustrations look almost as though you’re looking at them through a fine mist.  This is an exerpt taken from our Biography: “Of Norwegian origin, Kristin Vestgård studied for her degree at Falmouth College of Art. She sold all her…

Stripped Naked

I watched a wonderful program on Matisse last night.  It made me realise that my new series ‘stripped naked’ was indeed a good idea.  Matisse started out doing relatively constrained and traditional works, paintings that fitted in to what was expected of him at that time.  It wasn’t until he had bowel cancer that he…

Cleaning a Hard Paintbrush

In the past, I’ve always thrown away paintbrushes that had gone hard. Even solvents didn’t seem to work that well and I didn’t like the cost to the environment using these. I’ve just recently found this article which says that using ivory soap gets your brushes back to their former glory. It’s very simple –…

Jack Frost Nipped at my Nose

Finally we are now seeing the first frosts here in the Auvergne, France.  We are surrounded by many extinct volcanoes which are now topped with snow, like little Christmas puddings topped with delicious icing. This is what’s inspired my little Treasure chest of goodies. Hope you don’t feel too cold! Enjoy! You can visit these…